All Season Flyers 2024

Want to tell other WSRC members that you will be flying at Holman...this is the perfect place!
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Re: All Season Flyers 2024

Post by kbob » Wed Jul 03, 2024 11:39 pm

July is done. Went out tonight to do some training but the wind definitely did not cooperate. They called for light winds and it decided to blow around 26 miles per hour. A couple of flights in with the trainer to check the repairs from the corn landing, all good now. The plane did wanted to go straight up with all the wind. Did do one flight with the Tiny Toni. Hopefully this wind is going to slow down soon.

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Re: All Season Flyers 2024

Post by kdoughty » Thu Jul 04, 2024 10:58 am

I got my July flight in. The wind was light , but it was HOT !!!!! :x
I can"t take the heat like I did when iI was younger !


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Re: All Season Flyers 2024

Post by kbob » Thu Aug 01, 2024 9:27 pm

Got the August flight in tonight. Temp wasn't too bad. Did some training, Rob soloed so it was a good training night. Daryl and I put up our racers to get a few laps in. Daryl was way too happy (he kicked my butt) :oops: as his plane was quite a bit faster. After some discussion we decided I need to look into a better prop to make things a little more competitive. Only four more months to go!

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Re: All Season Flyers 2024

Post by ustahfli » Mon Aug 26, 2024 2:20 pm

Really close this month. Only five days left and rain forecast for last two! tried to get there earlier, but by the time I got the ducks (really cats) in a row it was 11:00. called Kelsey and he was looking at the same calendar/clock as I, so he came out two. I discovered again how easy it is to fly electric aircraft, just say "FLY" and wiggle your nose, and that's all there is to do. But I had to assemble the plane, fuel it, start it, pre-fight, and then do the deed! MAYBE this winter, I'll get one of the two I've got sitting in the garage down and fly them. :roll:
Anyway, we're both logged for August, and only four months to go! at least it should be cooler :oops: :mrgreen:

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Re: All Season Flyers 2024

Post by kbob » Mon Sep 02, 2024 9:12 pm

September is done. Went to the field around 1:00. Doc was packing up to go home and i just missed seeing Gary. Daryl came out and got some flights in but that was it. A nice day to fly, although the winds were definitely higher than forecast (imagine that) :D. Flew the jets around and had fun with the crosswind. It finally started to settle down around 3. With the temps getting lower, hopefully more members will be coming out to enjoy the field.

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Re: All Season Flyers 2024

Post by ustahfli » Tue Sep 03, 2024 3:04 pm

Well..... finally had luck at the beginning of the month! Kelsey and I were able to go early this month and got to fly in EXTREMELY LIGHT WIND! Nearly had to re-learn how! :P No trouble for me but a little erratic run. More on that later. Kelsey had the servo screws back out of one and caused some wobble, but no consequence. Good day, perfect weather, and the field was beautiful! Glad I went, for sure! :mrgreen:

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