All Season Flyers 2024

Want to tell other WSRC members that you will be flying at Holman...this is the perfect place!
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Re: All Season Flyers 2024

Post by ustahfli » Thu Mar 14, 2024 9:21 pm

Wow! Looks like another close call. Weather forecast just wasn’t ever right. Missed all the good days, but made it out just as the world was ending by storms rolling across the plains, to quote a song! From the field, we could see storms blossoming to incredible heights, and could tell they were severe, but not for us! Little breezy, and the landings were pushed to the right! It all worked out, though. Kelsey did his four (?) flights before it was time to quit.
Looks like there might not be too many good days left, so if you get a chance, better take it! :!: :mrgreen:

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Re: All Season Flyers 2024

Post by kbob » Thu Apr 04, 2024 8:23 am

April is done. Went to the field last night to get my new card and got two flights in. Wind was light and right down the runway (that was different). :D
Steven was out and got a couple of flights in too. I love the time change, makes getting flights in a lot easier. Bring a plane on Monday to the meeting and get your April flight in. The weather is supposed to be decent in the evening.

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Re: All Season Flyers 2024

Post by ustahfli » Mon Apr 08, 2024 8:24 pm

Beginning to wonder again about flying weather and logging a flight. Thinking we just might have to fire some weathermen if they can't get us what we need! But on a day that nearly everyone was going crazy on sun worship, I got decent wind and logged a couple. Actually were decent flight events, from taxi-out to taxi-in. would have done a third, at least, if I hadn't done a 'bone-head-stunt' and flooded the engine, then backed the spinner off! It was getting late, and I was getting hungry, so I went home, wondering what all the fuss about the sun/moon was about! Ill have to pay more attention in2044, and the next one :lol: :mrgreen:
Oh yeah, Kelsey did his also. Electrics are SO trouble free (except he only had one charged flight battery). :oops:
Picked up my 2024 card also!

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Re: All Season Flyers 2024

Post by kbob » Sun May 05, 2024 9:10 pm

May flight is in. Went to the field tonight to check its condition with all the rain. No standing water which was nice. Took the club trainer out to
give it a shake down flight with the new transmitter. The plane flies great. It has been a while since I have flown a trainer, forgot how they like to float on landing. A big thanks to Tommy Yates for donating the transmitter. We will be starting a training program shortly, watch the forum and your email for more information.

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Re: All Season Flyers 2024

Post by kdoughty » Wed May 08, 2024 1:45 pm

I went to the field to get my May flight in before the next storm. :roll:
The weather has been so BAD , I got it done while I could.

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Re: All Season Flyers 2024

Post by ustahfli » Sat May 11, 2024 9:35 pm

Took 11 days, but I got in a flight! Perfect wind until I got the wing on and battery charged, then it got breezy. But.... right down the runway! Good flight, not perfect, but good.
So May is in the book! BTW, the field looks really good. :mrgreen:

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Re: All Season Flyers 2024

Post by kbob » Sat Jun 01, 2024 11:00 pm

June 1st and I got my flight in. Beautiful weather this afternoon. If you didn't make it out you missed a good flying day.

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Re: All Season Flyers 2024

Post by kdoughty » Tue Jun 11, 2024 11:57 am

I killed two birds with one stone. I went to the mee :D ting and got my June flight in !!

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Re: All Season Flyers 2024

Post by ustahfli » Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:02 pm

Ooops! I'm beginning to take some risks with my record of ALL SEASON FLYING. Put the June flight off through several really nice flying days, for one reason or another, until it was possible I wouldn't get one in :oops: So, today I went out there with the resolve to do it! And I did :D It was calm at my house and breezy out there, and at an odd angle! But no one else flying so I could handle using ALL of the INCREDIBLE AREA our field allows, and had a good time at that! :mrgreen:

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Re: All Season Flyers 2024

Post by ustahfli » Wed Jul 03, 2024 7:15 pm

Decided to get my monthly flight in early, so went early! Still toooooo hot, but I did log two! (admittedly the first was practically straight up, and straight down, with a dead engine on take-off, but if there’s air under the tires, it’s a flight!). Second fight was actually recorded because I did all the standard maneuvers but was a dead stick landing also. But a really good one with a roll out and everything! Guess I better use a fresh bottle of fuel and tune it for fire-hot temperature because that’s all we’re gonna have this summer :oops: :mrgreen:

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