All Season Flyer 2023

Want to tell other WSRC members that you will be flying at Holman...this is the perfect place!
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Re: All Season Flyer 2023

Post by kbob » Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:30 pm

November is done. Good day at the field. Six members made it out and got flights in. Managed to get maiden flights on my rebuilt Tiny Toni and the Hellcat. Both flew great, fast little boogers. :D One more month to go!
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Re: All Season Flyer 2023

Post by » Sun Dec 03, 2023 11:07 am

I did it! December flight is done 12/3. It was cool and windy but got 3 flights in. All seasons flyer is complete! Thank you all who have helped me in my first year with the club.

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Re: All Season Flyer 2023

Post by kbob » Sun Dec 03, 2023 4:56 pm

December and this years flights are in the books. Went to the field today but it wasn't pretty. Flew the Tiny Toni first. Everything was going fine until it was time to land. When turning base to final I lost control of the plane and into the corn stubble it went. The elevator servo arm stripped causing it to go full down. :x Broke the prop and dented some foam. Salvageable but will have to think about it, plenty of foam left to build another one.

Then it was on to the Hellcat. Big D gave me a launch and off I went. Remember when I said they were fast boogers? Well it got a little small and I lost orientation. :oops: Landed this in the corn too but no damage. Brought it back to the pits, got another toss from Big D, made two circuits around the field and landed on the runway and called it good.

For those of you who need December, don't wait too long. The weather might not cooperate.

Now on to January 1st to start this again for next year!

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Re: All Season Flyer 2023

Post by kdoughty » Mon Dec 04, 2023 5:06 pm

December and this Year's flights are in the books for me too. I had a witness. Raymond Poe was there too.
I wanted to get it in while I could. You never know about Okla. weather!!! :roll:

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Re: All Season Flyer 2023

Post by ustahfli » Tue Dec 12, 2023 12:53 pm

Cool….. more ways than one. Logged my December flight to complete the year, but it’s been the most challenging! Actually a little windy for comfort but I did it!

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