All Season Flyers

Want to tell other WSRC members that you will be flying at Holman...this is the perfect place!
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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by ustahfli » Sat Sep 03, 2022 1:14 pm

OK! Sept 3rd. And not the first flying day, but a GOOD ONE! Met Kelsey at the field while the grass was still wet from the rain we’ve had this week, and put in a couple of good flights!
Had a couple of visitors stop by to ask about becoming members, and did all we could to get them interested!
Then, Dick Russ brought out his new plane. He called it the Cobra Espirit, and he gave both of us stick time. It was, of course, electric and really smooth! Glad he trusted my credentials and not my flying :roll: :mrgreen:
Great day, and I can’t, for the life of me, figure out why it wasn’t standing room only! :)
So...... this was the official September flight, and early enough in the month to add insurance to the tally! See you guys out there later!? ;) :mrgreen:

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by kbob » Sat Sep 10, 2022 8:50 pm

My September flight is done. Managed to get three flights in today before the front started moving in. One flight each on my racers and one flight on the Citation. Did have a problem with the Citation going silent on approach. That will get your heart pumping :shock: It did come back and landed safely. I think it is time to change the receiver in this plane, its a cheap one and only seems to have a problem on approach over the south side of the field. Need to get off my duff and get everything changed over to my new FrSky system.

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by kbob » Tue Oct 04, 2022 8:31 pm

October's flight is done. Managed to get two flights in tonight after work. Nice evening with low wind. I am afraid we are about done flying
in the evening after work. Only two more months to go.

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by ustahfli » Wed Oct 05, 2022 7:01 pm

OK! GOT'ER DONE! Made it out today to brutal flying conditions! No wind and bright sunshine, mild temperature! Put in three flights although one was only a circuit around the field and landing, because the fuel line popped off the carburetor! but the other two made for a very satisfying day, and a bonus! Had a long chat with Boyd Maser, a LONG TIME friend whom I see only rarely.
Kelsey got in some flights as well, even though we couldn't get the beautiful Cessna off the ground! Like they say.... if it weren't for bad luck, he'd have no luck at all! Oh well..... there'll be another day! :oops: :mrgreen: :D

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by ustahfli » Mon Nov 07, 2022 6:28 pm

Well...... it looks like we have another season to deal with. Cloudy and gray. Really cool too. We’ve been told it will go down hill from here. Hoping we can find a day in December to fly at least 1 time to qualify for three years in a row. It’s beginning to take its toll on us older guys! You know the stuff, stiff joints, failing eyesight, forgetting how after we take off! I’m using my second plane of the year ( and I’ve rebuilt the last one once). But it’s still loads of fun! And BTW, Kelsey was right there with me :roll: :mrgreen: :shock:

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by kbob » Sat Nov 12, 2022 7:22 pm

November is done now. I waited a little too long to get this months flight in. Went out this afternoon an made 3 flights on 2 different aircraft. The weather forecast called for lower winds today but higher temps and winds tomorrow. Everything did make it home in the same condition it arrived in (my wife asked when I got home, I tell you no faith or does she know me :lol: ). Wind was pretty close to straight down the runway, only it was out of the north and it definitely had a bite to it. Needed to warm up the fingers between flights. That will teach me to think there will be another mild day coming up in the month. One more month to go.

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by kbob » Sun Dec 04, 2022 2:58 pm

I'M DONE!! :D I Managed to get two flights in today. First time I have completed the all season flyer since the 90's. Wind was right down the runway, a little briskly and my fingers only went slightly numb. I figured today was a pretty safe bet, hard to tell what you are going to get on the weekends in December. Hopefully I will be able to get a few more in this month. This was the first flight using my new FrSky X20. Still learning how to use all the bells and whistles (there are a bunch) but making headway. I really like it.

On to next year!

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by ustahfli » Mon Dec 05, 2022 7:01 pm

Me too! Tried the other day, so cold the motor wouldn’t start! The guys with the electrics have the right idea. Anyway, it was a good day for flying! Got in one flight, but that was enough. Several fellows out there, enjoying low wind and 70* temperature! The front was just arriving, so it may be a few days before it gets like this again. Kelsey was there too, so both of us have done it for three years! A record? It is for me. :mrgreen:

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