All Season Flyers

Want to tell other WSRC members that you will be flying at Holman...this is the perfect place!
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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by ustahfli » Sat May 28, 2022 5:45 am

Well, it seams we have “ALL SEASONS” in one month!! It’s been ‘nice’, and then windy, and then wet, and then cold, and then HOT, and dry is on the way! I’ve been flying a couple of times when it was nice, and I’ve mowed once this month also.
Made it out early yesterday to watch three other fellows have the best part of the day, and I came back after I had new tires put on the car ($1100, WOW! How can that be!?). Got in a quick flight before the breeze started, and then helped Kelsey start his Giant Stik, after it had been hanger’ed for awhile. And, like it always happens, it ran at home but not at the field. Put on a show for the fellows when his throttle channel failed and he struggled to get the plane back on the runway with the engine stuck at fast idle, then had to taxi around trying to burn off fourteen once’s of fuel!
Not gonna’ happen, so I tried to catch it as he taxied by! I know what that looked like! Finally called out one of the younger fellows to do it! He took a dive, and missed once, and then jumped up and chased it down and grabbed it!! Kelsey ambled out to kill it, and all was well! Thanks for the help to save a very nice airplane from destruction! ’Westsider’s are the greatest!!! :mrgreen:

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by ustahfli » Mon Jun 06, 2022 7:56 pm

It's June;Feels like August :!: First day I could find time to fly, so I took it! Kelsey met me out there, and after going over pre-flight (hot charge, linkages, radio function) we went at it. Had good luck, Kelsey didn't! Gas engine just wouldn't cooperate! So he did what everyone would... fly a 'back-up' plane.
Weather is strangest EVER. Storms last night, not a drop of rain, little to NO wind today, 80*s but comfort index at 102*! Logged 2 flights (I think, maybe three. Lost the ability to think straight after trying to get the Giant Stik to idle. Gas fumes affect you that way!) But, the wind was always going in the right direction, and I did lots of touch-and-go's, and one bounced touch down that killed the engine. Had a good day and a good time at the same time, so, glad, :mrgreen: :D and lucky too!

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by kbob » Sun Jun 12, 2022 7:11 pm

Made my June flight yesterday before the night fly. Managed to get in 4 good flights before it got dark. Thanks to Kris for bringing out his aircraft to get some flying done in the dark.

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Re: All Season Flyers,MMM

Post by ustahfli » Wed Jun 22, 2022 1:39 pm

MMM... Middle of the Month Mission! Close air ground support, practice aerial evasion (loops, rolls), touch and go's. Too bad it was so hot!
Kelsey and I got'er done! Kelsey was acting FAC for me, and I was spotter for him. BUT... when the comfort index crossed 100*, it was time to go!
Had lots of fun mainly because the wind was predominately from the south and lining up an approach was really easy, and coasted in for touchdown with just enough headwind for a power off landing, 100 feet rollout and power up for liftoff!
(Sounds like I know what I'm doing! Right?) :lol: :mrgreen: ;)

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by ustahfli » Wed Jul 13, 2022 11:38 am

July forth has come and gone and I still had not logged a flight, but I took care of that this morning!! It was calm at my house while I had my coffee and breakfast biscuit at sunrise in the back yard, and I couldn’t pass that up! Stuff was already loaded in the Bronco, and after I fed the cat and dog, I took off! Got to the field and put a quick charge on the Big Stick 60, a quick tank of fuel, and took off just as the first breezes came nearly straight down the runway! The sun was in the wrong place for comfort so I stayed at the north and south ends for a while, then lined up perfectly for a landing and roll out to my pit area.
Ready for some more cool mornings and low winds! Bring it on! :P :mrgreen:

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by kbob » Wed Jul 13, 2022 8:49 pm

Managed to get my July flight Monday before the club meeting. The wind wasn't too bad, but straight out of the east. When I went too fly after the meeting my first attempt to launch the Tiny Toni didn't go as planned. Broken prop. I didn't have another one with me so I went to fly the Corsair.
Plugged in the battery and it wouldn't bind. No binding plug so that finished my night. A least I got one flight in.

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by ustahfli » Thu Jul 14, 2022 1:43 pm

The next day!....... it was fun yesterday, so why not! I was going to meet Jerry, but I didn’t get there soon enough. It was getting warm, but I had called Kelsey so I was committed! We had several flights before it got a little breezy, and the COMFORT INDEX got unpleasant!
It was worth doing because Kelsey got his July flight done before the JULY TEMPERATURES got ridicules!!! Close enough :roll:
So... it’s either early in the morning, after sunset, or tough it out :mrgreen:

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by kbob » Fri Aug 05, 2022 6:34 pm

Went to the field last night and got two flights in. I'm good for August now. Hope to get more in on Monday after the meeting. Come on out and get your August flight in.

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by ustahfli » Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:34 pm

Thank goodness for rainstorms and cold fronts! Weather and wind changed long enough for Kelsey and me to log an August flight! It was nearly absolute calm, not hot, but was humid.
Like Meatloaf said, “Two out of three ain’t bad”! Got two flights and some touch and go’s before it wasn’t so much fun. Kelsey said it was like breathing water, and I still wonder if he really knows about that! :mrgreen:

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by kdoughty » Thu Aug 11, 2022 10:16 am

Yes I do , I was a Suba Diver. :lol:

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