All Season Flyers

Want to tell other WSRC members that you will be flying at Holman...this is the perfect place!
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All Season Flyers

Post by kbob » Wed Jan 12, 2022 7:10 pm

Congratulations for two of our members who have managed to fly at least once every month during 2021. Kelsey and Ron not only did it this year they also successfully completed the task in 2020! Let see who else in the club can get a flight in every month for this year. Just make an entry here listing the days you get your flights in. I plan on giving it a shot this year, why don't you?
Ron and Kelsey.jpg
Kelsey and Ron

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by kbob » Mon Jan 24, 2022 9:02 pm

Well a few of us managed to get our January flights in yesterday. It was a beautiful day with light winds. 6 members and 2 guests, not to bad for January.
Hopefully next month will have a few days like this.

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by kbob » Sun Feb 20, 2022 9:10 am

Got my February flight in yesterday. Thought the wind was going to hold off until Sunday, my mistake. By the time I made it to
the field it was starting to get pretty breezy. Put one flight on my foamy corsair. The flight was OK but the landing left a little to be desired, broke a prop. Three other members out with a couple of visitors. If you have made a flight in both months and haven't posted it yet its not to late to start.

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by ustahfli » Tue Mar 01, 2022 4:12 pm

First of March, so that means Kelsey and I did our thing and logged our Monthly flight! I noticed that Stephen Poe was there too, and I remembered he has been flying nearly every day that we have, and MORE! Pretty sure he is in line for recognition as an all season flyer too! I’ll have to ask him to be sure but my money is on him as one of us! :mrgreen:

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by kbob » Sat Mar 19, 2022 6:09 pm

I got my March flight in today. Straight crosswind out of the west at about 15 to 20. A good day though with quite a few members flying and a few visitors.

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by ustahfli » Sat Apr 02, 2022 7:44 pm

April,,,, and the weather is still crazy. But, it was good enough to log April’s flight! Breezy and shifting directions, so you had to pay attention to your landing and be ready on the rudder! But that’s what it’s for, so it’s all good. Kelsey did his also and Ed and his son were there before I got there.
Later I was out on a road trip with the wife in the convertible (it was too nice to miss the day!), and I stopped by to share pizza with Steven Poe. So he has logged April too. It was so nice weather wise, it’s hard to imagine nobody else wanted to fly today!
But I DID, and so I did! :mrgreen: :P

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by kbob » Wed Apr 13, 2022 8:42 pm

I managed to get my April flight in before the club meeting Monday. Nice evening for flying and a great turnout for the meeting. Its nice to be meeting at the field again. Hopefully the wind will start to cooperate. :lol: Like that's going to happen.

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by ustahfli » Tue Apr 26, 2022 7:13 pm

Got an insurance flight date for April. Seems like the hardest thing to find a good flying day in April! What’s going on with the weather? It’s CRAZY anymore! Had some other flyers there too. Still glad I got to go. :mrgreen: 8-)

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by ustahfli » Fri May 06, 2022 6:39 pm

May 6, and I got to fly, with a bunch of people! What a day! The kind that seems really rare anymore! Had a little trouble with my motor, and finally realized the last ten ounces in the bottle were just too old to provide stable performance. New fuel, undo the tweaking I did and up, up, up she goes. Floated to the runway for touch and go’s both directions! Hope the weather stays this way (it won’t!), or at least happens more often!
See you there next time, I hope :!: :D :mrgreen:

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Re: All Season Flyers

Post by kbob » Sun May 08, 2022 10:25 am

A little late in posting but got my May flight in on the first. Actually I got in 6 flights. It was a great day at the field. Lots of members flying. It was our first training day and had one member getting some instruction time. We attempted to fly the pylons with a flite test bloody wonder and 2 bloody barons.
It was fun but technical difficulties took 2 of the planes out. The members flying said they would definitely rebuild and race. At the May meeting we will be discussing rules and dates. Hope to see you there.

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