Westside R/C Flyers Night Fun Fly Rescheduled

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Westside R/C Flyers Night Fun Fly Rescheduled

Post by kbob » Sun Oct 01, 2023 9:59 pm

The Westside R/C Flyers Night Fun Fly has been rescheduled for Saturday Oct 14th. Get your planes ready and come out for some night time flying. See the attached flyer for times and information. Hope to see you there. :)
2023 Night Fun Fly .pdf
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Re: Westside R/C Flyers Night Fun Fly Rescheduled

Post by kbob » Wed Oct 25, 2023 9:29 pm

Well we had the night fly as scheduled. Attendance was extremely light with only 2 flyers, but flights were made. The weather in the early evening was not cooperating with fairly high gusty winds and a definite chill in the air. Once the sun went down, the winds calmed down to a manageable level. Kris Kennedy was able to get multiple flights in with his plane. My plane was a different story. Every time I took off, the plane would get about 3 feet off the ground before it would stall and fall out of the air. First attempt was a crash but no damage. Second flight I broke the propeller when it came down. Changed the prop and tried once again. This time it came down and broke the vertical stab. I was done for the evening. I was scratching my head trying to figure out why the plane wouldn't fly, it flew successfully earlier in the summer. :? It finally came to me as I was driving out to Wagner Rd. When I originally built the plane, I was going to use 2200 mAh 3 cell battery. I thought I read that it was an option in the directions. I was wrong, it would only get about 3 feet off the ground, stall and crash. The battery was to heavy for the motor plane combination. :oops: Once I figured out my duh moment, the plane flew fine with a smaller battery. The problem on the night fly was I forgot it took a smaller battery and tried with the 2200 pack. The plane now marked so I will know the battery size in the future. We will have another night fly next spring once the weather gets warmer in the evenings.
I want to thank Kris Kennedy for coming out and supporting the event.
Here are a couple of pictures of the planes from that night.
my nightflyer.jpg
My plane showing its lights.
plane in flight.jpg
Kris's plane in flight. Sorry for the quality, still getting used to the new phone.
Kris plane.jpg
Kris's plane before his first flight.

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